Rodney -> RE: Compiling Firefox/Thunderbird/Seamonkey/etc under SUA instead of Cygwin... (Sep. 15, '06, 2:00:57 PM) |
Hmm, I thought the SUA releases coincide with Vista releases, so since Vista is meant to go straight to RTM now that RC1 is out, am a little surprised to hear this. Not that having an RC2 would be a bad thing. :)
Not a bad thing at all :-)
The end result should make more people happy.
So basically what you are suggesting is to treat SUA like a BSD flavoured UNIX and use gcc to cross-compile for Win32 (and I guess Win64 as and whenever Mozilla make their updates to allow targeting of Win64)?
Yes, treat Interix as another Unix. There is a very strong BSD flavour, but there are POSIX/SUS/SV
additions as well. This is not for Win32/64 cross-compiling. It's just for Interix. Interix
is a peer subsystem to Win32/64 (CSRSS). It's a build for Interix/Unix. Build it and run it with
Interix. You'll need an X-server for display.
64 bit is supported starting with R2 and now Vista for Interix (I'm actually typing this from
such a machine). The thing is that gcc remains 32-bit based so the 64-bit MSVC needs to
be used (The Pro version which, alas, isn't available for free download).
So if the code can build on 64-bit unix then it should build fine.