***UPDATE*** The problem appears to have cleared itself up; perhaps my connection was bad, or the ftp server was down temporarily. Thanks anyway!
I've set up Interix UNIX Tools on several machines in the past, but haven't done so in several months and as such I'm a bit rusty.
Since the last time I did this the sanctioned method for installing packages has changed from pkg_add to pkg_update. I think I've gotten over the confusion of this, but I'm still having some trouble:
I'm trying to install openssh and both "pkg_update -L openssh" and "pkg_add -v ftp://ftp.interopsystems.com/pkgs/3.5/openssh-current-bin.tgz" fail.
Relevant errors:
From pkg_update
bash-3.00$ pkg_update -L openssh
Starting checks for updates
Percent complete/package:
100% |**************************************************| opensshftp: f
tp.interopsystems.com: temporary failure
ftp: Can't connect or login to host `ftp.interopsystems.com'
grep: Cannot open file '/var/db/pkg/openssh-*-bin/+CONTENTS': No such file or di
From pkg_add
bash-3.00$ pkg_add -v ftp://ftp.interopsystems.com/pkgs/3.5/openssh-current-bin
Trying to fetch ftp://ftp.interopsystems.com/pkgs/3.5/openssh-current-bin.tgz.
Extracting from FTP connection into /tmp/instmp.uLlikbB475
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: End of archive volume 1 reached
tar: Sorry, unable to determine archive format.
tar command returns 1 status
pkg_add(openssh-current-bin): URL `ftp://ftp.interopsystems.com/pkgs/3.5/openssh
-current-bin.tgz' has unknown hostname part!
pkg_add(openssh-current-bin): unable to fetch `ftp://ftp.interopsystems.com/pkgs
/3.5/openssh-current-bin.tgz' by URL
pkg_add(openssh-current-bin): 1 package addition(s) failed
I've checked my .netrc and it seems right, so I figure I must be doing something wrong, but what?
Thanks for the help.