TERM setting (Full Version)

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Tim_Rogers -> TERM setting (Jan. 22, '04, 2:27:22 PM)

This is a basic question - but I cannot use SFU effectively until I resolve it!

I have downloaded and installed SFU 3.5, downloaded and installed SSH, and I can connect to my various Linux servers.

However, on connection, I get the following warning:

unknown terminal " interix"

Is there a way that I can add a definition for " interix" to the TERMCAP (I assume) for each Linux box? Even better, is there a way that I can change the TERM for the SFU shell?

Woody2143 -> RE: TERM setting (Jan. 22, '04, 3:03:58 PM)

If you are using bash (and I suggest that you do) do this:
export TERM=" xterm" 
to change the term...

google can tell you how to set environment vars for korn or csh if you are going to use those....

Tim_Rogers -> RE: TERM setting (Jan. 22, '04, 3:18:40 PM)

Thanks for the quick reply.

I have installed ' bash' , and I did try several TERM settings, including ' xterm' .

Changing the TERM value, however, will prevent Linux from complaining about my terminal when I log in, but applications (e.g., emacs, mc) still do not work correctly - I suspect because the SFU shell is not, in fact, an XTERM!

Am I missing something?

Woody2143 -> RE: TERM setting (Jan. 22, '04, 5:34:14 PM)

The only other thing I can think of off the top of my head is that the window you are using to log in is to big, I' ve had ' vi' complain to me before about the window size...

Post what error messages you are getting if any at all...

Woody2143 -> RE: TERM setting (Jan. 22, '04, 5:37:41 PM)

Also take a look here:

Tim_Rogers -> RE: TERM setting (Jan. 22, '04, 9:03:37 PM)

No joy.

If I set the TERM value to ' xterm' and connect to one my my Linux boxes (Red Hat 7.3, mostly), then start emacs, I get some odd information in the status line (e.g., 25H25h and 25l[inverse video]7) and, replacing the information at the start of each line in the file, a 25h25h each time I press down error. At that point, I exit.

The remote bash shell itself is better - up error, for example, shows the previous value in history - and it may actually be fine. But without emacs and mc (sad, but true), I feel lost.

If I could run a remote X application, as I did when I was using Linux on my laptop, that would be fine - I could just use nedit or something. But that is a whole other thing.

And I am *not* going to learn vi!

Rodney -> RE: TERM setting (Jan. 24, '04, 2:45:10 AM)

The default terminal is named " interix" .
When you make a connection to a remote machine (via telnet, ssh,...) the TERM env var for your local session is sent (" interix" ).
The " interix" terminal is an ANSI compliant terminal with extensions that are akin to vt202 (but not an exact match). Having " xterm" as the TERM env var won' t gain you anything. What you need to do on the remote machine is create an " interix" terminal entry with terminfo.
You can find the terminfo description in " /usr/share/terminfo.src" . Copy this over to the remote machine and get it added to the terminfo database (' man tic' for more info).

markfunk -> RE: TERM setting (Jan. 25, '04, 4:05:07 PM)

On the SFU/Interix system, type:
infocmp interix

Save the output and copy it to your remote UNIX/Linux system.

On your remote UNIX system, log in and read about the ' tic' utility. You may need to create your own personal terminfo directory and/or modify the TERMINFO env. variable appropriately so that terminfo/curses based programs on the remote system will work when connected via an Interix console window.

Tim_Rogers -> RE: TERM setting (Jan. 26, '04, 4:55:25 PM)

Thanks for the helpful replies - both of you!

I ' scp' ed the output of ' infocmp interix' to one of my Linux boxes, and, as root, used ' tic -v [filename]' to import it into the TERMINFO database.

Everything seems to work. (Yahoo!)

But - ' tic -cv [filename]' did show a warning:

[root@xserver-1 tmp]# tic -cv interix.txt
" interix.txt" , line 2, terminal ' interix' : Conflicting key definitions (using the last)
... KEY_END is the same as KEY_LL
... KEY_F(0) is the same as KEY_F(10)

Is this anything to worry about?

Rodney -> RE: TERM setting (Jan. 26, '04, 5:13:58 PM)

No worries.
You' ll have a hard time finding a keyboard with an " F0" key.

Tim_Rogers -> RE: TERM setting (Jan. 26, '04, 5:22:30 PM)


(Maybe I just actually read the error message! That is what I am always telling my users to do...)


Johan Davidsson -> RE: TERM setting (Feb. 19, '04, 6:06:16 AM)



The default terminal is named " interix" .
When you make a connection to a remote machine (via telnet, ssh,...) the TERM env var for your local session is sent (" interix" ).
The " interix" terminal is an ANSI compliant terminal with extensions that are akin to vt202 (but not an exact match). Having " xterm" as the TERM env var won' t gain you anything. What you need to do on the remote machine is create an " interix" terminal entry with terminfo.
You can find the terminfo description in " /usr/share/terminfo.src" . Copy this over to the remote machine and get it added to the terminfo database (' man tic' for more info).

You just cant go to every host in a production system and define a new terminal. This is extremely stupid of interix to invent their own standard.

I have tried to set the TERM to ansi which works well when I get to other machines, mainly Solaris and extreme switches but now vi fails on my own machine.

Any ideas.......

Best Regards Johan

boydo -> RE: TERM setting (Oct. 21, '05, 3:08:07 PM)

Any further suggestions on this subject? I also am in a situation where in the sarbanes-oxley world we can't just go in and make changes on production systems...



Rodney -> RE: TERM setting (Oct. 21, '05, 5:31:56 PM)

There is a bunch of information on the manual page for tic.

You can add the interix terminal entry to your terminfo database if it is not already there.
The standard OSS based terminfo database has had an interix terminal entry for more than a few years.
The vendor should be encouraged to update.

You can, per user, set the environment variable TERMINFO to point at an alternate location for
the terminfo database (that's the whole database). In general, users don't have the ability to
modify entries in these locations.

For "average" users $HOME/.terminfo is a directory that each user has control over that new entries
can be added to. The order is TERMINFO, then $HOME/.terminfo and then the default location.
Since $HOME/.terminfo is a user setting, and not a system setting...

You may also use xterm or rxvt terminals -- in either direction.
Assuming you have an Xserver on the Windows machine you can either start an xterm
locally and then login to the remote machine, OR login to the remote machine and then
set DISPLAY back to the Windows machine before starting a xterm on the remote machine.

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