winsh keyboard input (Full Version)

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Ron -> winsh keyboard input (May 18, '06, 12:09:16 PM)

Hi all, I'm testing winsh as part of the eval version of issh. The versions I have installed are:
issh- Version of issh for Interix.
issh_shells-1.0-bin Version 1.0 of issh_shells for Interix.

This is on a Win2003 R2 with SUA server.

From an ssh session, when I run 'winsh cmd.exe', the screen clears and to the top of the screen I see:
Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.


But the keyboard is acting weird. In order to get any keyboard to work I need to hold down the key in question for a second, then the key eventually appears. Seems like a timing issue since simply pressing the key multiple times does not help, the only thing that works is to hold down the key for a while.

Any ideas what may be the matter here? I've tried both the I-ssh and PuTTY ssh clients.


Rodney -> RE: winsh keyboard input (May 29, '06, 12:01:11 PM)

Sorry for the delay on the response.
I just found out I'm the moderator, but wasn't getting any of the e-mail notices.

There shouldn't be a need to hold a key down for that long.
I'll have to boot an SUA machine with winsh and see if I can replicate.

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