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Why can' t I create a C++ program

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Why can' t I create a C++ program - Feb. 5, '04, 4:48:03 PM   


Posts: 9
Joined: Feb. 4, '04,
Status: offline

The documentation says that though I can call the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, I can' t create a C++ program. Why not? I' d like to use this unix-link environment for a build process that already works on all my Unix machines. Since I have a bunch of unix tools already working, all I' d need to do is treat this Microsoft box as an " Exotic Unix" and call the native compiler...

The program already works with Visual C++, it is not a Unix program that I need to port, I just want to build it using my Unix Makefile/SourceControl/Build system. Is this possible, or is it not possible to create a Microsoft C++ program from the command line?

Thanks in advance!
Post #: 1
RE: Why can' t I create a C++ program - Feb. 5, '04, 5:43:13 PM   


Posts: 3714
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
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With SFU/Interix comes gcc and g++ when you select that the SDK' s (both; there are two) be installed. With these you can build C and C++ programs. You do not need MS VC to do it. This is invoked by calling gcc or g++.

You can also build C programs by calling c89 or cc (reference the man pages for the differences). These scripts use MS VC for the compile and link. These are shell scripts (you can read them!) that translate the unix-like compile/link requests to what VC understands. An Interix binary (not a Win32 binary) is produced.
No scripts for C++ with MS VC have been done. It may be possible.

I mentioned an another post that you can, as you would like to do, drive the build of an application from Interix with your Unix tools (make, etc.) to produce a Win32 binary. We (Interop) were involved with this recently. We' re glad to see someone wants to do it
What we have is just for C programs right now. It' s a script called wcc. We' re just waiting for a final nod to release it I believe. You should be able to adjust this script to do C++ instead of C. I' ll check what the wcc status is and get back here.

(in reply to dtrucken)
Post #: 2
RE: Why can' t I create a C++ program - Feb. 5, '04, 5:55:08 PM   


Posts: 9
Joined: Feb. 4, '04,
Status: offline
This would be awesome. I for sure need to do c++, but only for the Windows subsystem. This would allow me to use my unix tools to control the build process, and build Standard-Windows programs. I look forward to your upcoming post.

(in reply to dtrucken)
Post #: 3
RE: Why can' t I create a C++ program - Feb. 5, '04, 8:34:04 PM   


Posts: 670
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try the script from

This is just a text file. Not a pkg.

Let us know how it works out.
If you make any changes, please let us know too.

thanks, mark

(in reply to dtrucken)
Post #: 4
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