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Why can' t I create a C++ program
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Why can' t I create a C++ program - Feb. 5, '04, 4:48:03 PM
Posts: 9
Joined: Feb. 4, '04,
Status: offline
The documentation says that though I can call the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler, I can' t create a C++ program. Why not? I' d like to use this unix-link environment for a build process that already works on all my Unix machines. Since I have a bunch of unix tools already working, all I' d need to do is treat this Microsoft box as an " Exotic Unix" and call the native compiler...
The program already works with Visual C++, it is not a Unix program that I need to port, I just want to build it using my Unix Makefile/SourceControl/Build system. Is this possible, or is it not possible to create a Microsoft C++ program from the command line?
Thanks in advance!
RE: Why can' t I create a C++ program - Feb. 5, '04, 5:55:08 PM
Posts: 9
Joined: Feb. 4, '04,
Status: offline
This would be awesome. I for sure need to do c++, but only for the Windows subsystem. This would allow me to use my unix tools to control the build process, and build Standard-Windows programs. I look forward to your upcoming post.
RE: Why can' t I create a C++ program - Feb. 5, '04, 8:34:04 PM
Posts: 670
Joined: Mar. 31, '03,
Status: offline
try the script from
This is just a text file. Not a pkg.
Let us know how it works out.
If you make any changes, please let us know too.
thanks, mark
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