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max file size?
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max file size? - Mar. 3, '04, 12:37:12 AM
Posts: 2
Joined: Mar. 3, '04,
Status: offline
I am running file level backups from a FreeBSD machine to
SFU3.5/Windows 2003 and they die at 4gb. This is not
a BSD or Windows limitition as this worked ok previously
with smbfs. Any wise words?
RE: max file size? - Mar. 3, '04, 12:46:28 AM
Posts: 3714
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
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The ' off_t' type is designated to a 2G maximum right now. It' s not the underlying file system driver (which can handle much larger). It' s also not really read() or write(). It' s stat() and lseek() that are the ones that usually are the sticklers here.
But you' re mentioning 4G. So it has me curious as to what utilities you are using for file level backups?
And are you using the stock 3.5 utilities or are some of them updates from here (/Tools)?
You could break the backup into several smaller chunks.
MS does not recommend using ' tar' , for example, for file system backups since additional ACL information (beyond the core permissions) is not stored in a tar archive header.
RE: max file size? - Mar. 3, '04, 3:40:21 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: Mar. 3, '04,
Status: offline
you know what curiosity did ;-).......
I am using bacula ( running on a FreeBSD server to backup some windows boxes and a data partition on the ' bsd box. the total backup is about 45G.
using SMBFS (CIFS file system compiled into the ' bsd kernel) this dumps to a single file (on the Windows box) but the performance sucks. While SFU has this 4gb limit bacula is happy with multiple volume backups and the performance is much better. So this is no biggy for me.
Thanks for the response and the cool tools. So when can
we expect to see KDE on Win2003!!!
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