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wuftpd on SFU 3.0

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wuftpd on SFU 3.0 - Apr. 30, '03, 3:22:30 PM   


Posts: 2
Joined: Apr. 30, '03,
Status: offline
in.ftpd supplied doesn' t allow a user logging in to be directed to their (or any other) directory. This means that they are sent to " /" . Although authentication is through the windows host, nothing else of value is passed.

wuftpd just isn' t happy with the SFU environment, and won' t compile:

$ ./configure
checking build system type... Invalid configuration `cc:' : machine `cc:' not recognized
configure: error: /bin/sh ./config.sub cc: Cannot find compiler ' CL.EXE' in PATH
cc: Either set the C89_COMPILER environment variable or add the directory that contains the CL.EXE program to PATH failed.

So, how to get a good ftpd working on SFU that allows the finer things in life?

Post #: 1
RE: wuftpd on SFU 3.0 - Apr. 30, '03, 4:22:50 PM   


Posts: 670
Joined: Mar. 31, '03,
Status: offline
in.ftpd _does_ try to chdir() to your home directory. If you are getting " /" then either your home directory is set to " /" or it is set to an invalid directory.

1) your home directory path is stored in the Windows Security Access Manager(SAM) database. If you' re logging in as a local user, then its in the local system SAM. If it is a domain user, then it' s in the Domain database.
You can use the following perl script to check where your home directory is:
# usage: username

# get user name from command line,
$user = shift(@ARGV);

# print user' s home directory
print " homedir for user $user = ' " , (getpwnam($user))[7], " ' \n" ;

2) On XP, your home directory cannot be on a drive letter connected to a network drive since the login process that ftpd uses isn' t the same as an NT login where all your previous drive letters are automatically mounted.
On Win2k, if you' re already logged in and have the drive letter mounted, then ftpd will be able to see that driver letter and you should be able to get to your home directory. (Win2k shares driver letters across all users. XP does not)

3) if you have the ability to change your home directory in the NT user profile, then try using a UNC path instead of a drive letter path.
(eg. \\machine\share\users\joe instead of x:\users\joe )

For wuftpd, it probably won' t work any better even if you got it compiled. It will have the same problem as the default in.ftpd.

In terms of compiling: configure is trying to use " cc" . This is a wrapper to the Microsoft compiler. You need to set the system global env. variable INTERIX_COMPILERDIR to the directory where the MS compiler is installed and then login again. (see /etc/profile for INTERIX_COMPILERDIR use).
Only VC5 and VC6 are supported by default.
If you don' t have a MS compiler, then you need to get configure to use gcc instead.

(in reply to The_Z)
Post #: 2
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