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cron not executing jobs
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cron not executing jobs - Sep. 7, '02, 12:07:01 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: Sep. 7, '02,
Status: offline
All my cron entries does not execute, can anyone help me getting this thign to work???
I edit the /etc/rc2.d/S38cron script
and added " -x all" to the cron command
All I am getting is this, sure mail doesnt work, but that is not my concern. It seems cron picks up the jobs, but does nothing with them.
I even wrote a smaal script, all it does is do a " ls" on a directory and send the output to a file.
There is nothing going into the file.
SFU ver 3.
[8577] got data (64:d) from grandchild
[8577] mailcmd = /usr/sbin/sendmail -FCronDaemon -odi -oem -oi -t
[8577] closing pipe to mail
hash map " Alias0" : missing map file /etc/mail/aliases.db: No such file or directo
log_it: (ENTEI+Donny 8577) MAIL (mailed 113 bytes of output but got status 0x0047
[8577] got EOF from grandchild
[8577] waiting for grandchild #2 to finish
[8577] no more grandchildren--mail written?
[8577] child process done, exiting
[8513] #8577 died, stat=0
[8513] children
[8513] TargetTime=1031414580, sec-to-wait=52
[8513] tick(3,11,6,8,6)
[8513] load_database()
[8513] crontab dir mtime unch, no load needed.
[8513] at lock file mtime unch, no load needed.
[8513] TargetTime=1031414640, sec-to-wait=60
[8513] tick(4,11,6,8,6)
user [(null):197611:197121:...] cmd=" /dev/fs/C/" Documents and Settings" /Owner/kom
user [(null):197108:197121:...] cmd=" /etc/test"
[8513] load_database()
[8513] crontab dir mtime unch, no load needed.
[8513] at lock file mtime unch, no load needed. mie " 1,19
[8513] TargetTime=1031414700, sec-to-wait=60
RE: cron not executing jobs - Sep. 10, '02, 7:24:36 PM
Posts: 3714
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: offline
The warning about missing /etc/mail/aliases.db can be easily solved by running the newaliases(1) program as administrator.
The " secret" with running with getting the cron jobs to run is using the regpwd(1) utility. This will register the password for a specific user so that cron can run the jobs as that user. See the regpwd man page for more information.
- Rodney
RE: cron not executing jobs - Sep. 11, '02, 12:31:49 AM
Posts: 2
Joined: Sep. 7, '02,
Status: offline
thanx a million. phewww. at last so many lost hours!
why is this not included in the docs????
RE: RE: cron not executing jobs - Sep. 25, '02, 10:27:22 PM
Posts: 1
Joined: Sep. 25, '02,
Status: offline
" crontab" will point this out to you, if you haven' t registered your passwd. :) friendly crontab.
it is mentioned in the crontab manpage, specifically the " -p" option.
< Message edited by m114931a -- Sep 25, '02, 10:33:54 PM >
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