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X - May 26, '04, 6:33:37 AM
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Hi all,
How I can start X windows system? I tried startx, got an error message No server X in the path, however X11R6/bin directory is in the path.
RE: X - May 26, '04, 9:49:43 AM
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From: Poland
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SFU does not come with an embeded X server, you need to inslall a third party solution like the one (or ones) that interopsystems does have in their offer. I managed to find also a shareware Xserver but with VERY POOR capabilities.
Anyway that's a pity there's nothing like a Xfree available under GPL or as freeware that would work with SFU.
< Message edited by cortez_ -- May 26, '04, 9:50:06 AM >
RE: X - May 26, '04, 10:00:31 AM
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The cygwin port of XFree86 is far from perfect but is an option if you can't afford one of the commercial X offerings.
RE: X - May 26, '04, 6:34:36 PM
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but that does not go with interix... it will require installation fo cygwin which is a waste of resources...
RE: X - Jun. 7, '04, 12:27:32 PM
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but that does not go with interix... it will require installation fo cygwin which is a waste of resources...
Here here!
RE: X - Jun. 22, '04, 11:49:54 PM
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There is (sadly) no X Server included in SFU; although it does provide some X clients (ie X applications) and X libraries and headers.
StarNet's Desktop X, available vi aInterOp Systems, is a great X Server for Windows. But if $100 is still too much for you to pay, try the M/IX X Server from MicroImage: Free trial for 14 days, then pay $25. Cheap, cheerful and functional. I have used it very successfully with SFU for running nedit and my favourite X client, "xlogo".
It would be rather mis-shapen to run Cygwin alongside SFU, just to get the Cygwin X Server. It will probably work, but ...
RE: X - Jun. 23, '04, 8:00:27 AM
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I had bad experiences with M/IX. It would crash all the time.
But if it works for you, great.
RE: X - Jun. 24, '04, 2:34:03 AM
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Thanks Mark, that's good to know.
I only use M/IX on my machine at work, anyway. At home, where all the important work gets done, I use StarNet's X-Win32. It's great.
RE: X - Jun. 27, '04, 2:50:01 AM
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why we can't take X11R6 source and try build on SFU ?
Does anyone try to do that ?
RE: X - Jun. 27, '04, 9:08:44 AM
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It has been said that the X server needs to work outside the SFU because of direct interaction with the graphical device - so it's not that easy
RE: X - Jun. 27, '04, 10:28:45 PM
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Interix doesn't support the api's needed by an X-server.
The X11R6 clients can be compiled fine, but not the X-server.
There's no need for Interix to provide these api's since
the Win32 subsystem is also available and it does provide
the necessary interfaces.
RE: X - Jul. 23, '04, 8:33:16 PM
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Cygwin/X Server
The Cygwin/X Server is an XFree86 port to Win32. It is mostly implemented wiht DirectDraw calls so the performance is good. It has a rootless mode and clipboard integration. I like it just fine, but it does take a little more work on your part to tweak it without a GUI like Desktop-X. I've used it every day to run native X clients on Interix like RXVT and NEdit. I also use it in conjunction with OpenSSH for Interix to display X clients like Konqueror from a SuSE Linux box on my Windows XP destop.
One caveat is that all of the Start Menu shortcuts to the Cygwin X clients are broken because they explicitly startup in C:\cygwin\bin instead of C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin. I seldom use any of them. The main reason to keep Cygwin around is to manage the build process of F/OSS projects like Mono and Mozilla for Win32.
I recommend appending C:\cygwin;C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6; to your path and setting up both a startX shortcut and batch file that run a command something like this:
C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run.exe XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -emulate3buttons
Run.exe is the Cygwin/X equivalent of PSXRUN.EXE. It allows you to start XWin.exe without starting a Win32 command shell window.
RE: X - Aug. 2, '04, 7:05:59 AM
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Is it possible that I have Interix and an Xserver like XWin32 installed on one machine say A.
And I try displaying the X application like xclock on some other machine say B by setting the DISPLAY variable to ip address of B.
RE: X - Aug. 2, '04, 7:50:18 AM
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I believe you need to set the Display variable on B in order to display an X client on A.
So if you are logged in at A and telnet to B. Use setenv or export (depending on the shell) to set the $DISPLAY environmental variable on B to point to the X Server on A. Then start xclock.
telnet B
setenv DISPLAY A:0.0
xclock &
Alternatively, and much more securely, you can use X-forwarding through an SSH tunnel with OpenSSH.
ssh -Y B
xclock &
RE: X - Aug. 2, '04, 8:42:04 AM
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I think the solution that you gave works if i have the following case:
machine "A" has Xserver installed and started
machine "B" has Interix installed.
But I have another case to present
machine "A" has both Xserver and Interix installed
machine "B" has just to see the display and is a windows machine.
Will this combination work?
RE: X - Aug. 2, '04, 9:36:33 AM
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From: Washington, DC
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You can display remote X clients on a local comptuerin any case where the local machine you are working on has an X server and the remote machine has X Clients, like XClock, and you have proper TCP/IP connectivity. Machine B only needs to have X Clients, since the X Window Server will be running on localhost (Machine A). Interix ships with X11R5 and X11R6 clients. So if you have Interix installed on machine B, it will work.
Here's a real-world example in which you would use the X Window System to display a remote X Client on a local Windows machine:
Machine A (localhost) is Windows XP with Interix and an X Server running. Machine B is SuSE Linux with KDE over XFree86 installed at Machine B could just as easily be an OpenBSD box or a Windows box with Interix--just as long as there are X Clients to run. Also in my example the remote host needs to have the OpenSSH daemon running.
I'll start XClock on the remote Linux computer and display it on my local XP machine via X-Forwarding in SSH. It works just as well for other apps that use X for display. Something arguably more useful like XTerm, GIMP, Konqueror, or KDevelop.
First I start up my local terminal for Interix. I'm using rxvt with TCSH, but there's no reason you can't use the standard Interix prompt in the Win32 Console or XTerm. Anything that will give you a shell on your local Interix instance will work.
Welcome to the Interix UNIX utilities.
% ssh -Y
Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for X11 forwarding.
Last login: Tue Jul 20 11:07:12 2004 from johngalt.wolfereiter.priv
Have a lot of fun...
breiter@linux:~> xclock &
[1] 3738
breiter@linux:~> exit
Connection to closed.
I can't show you the screen shot in a posting, but suffice it to say that the XClock window did display properly on my Windows XP desktop.
Again this will work any time the remote host has X Clients. The remote host does not need to have a running X Server.
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