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windows.h not found
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windows.h not found - Oct. 7, '04, 8:16:29 AM
Posts: 2
Joined: Oct. 7, '04,
Status: offline
I'm using Interix to compile c programs.
And some of the programs includes "windows.h" file. And this file is mandatory for the program compilation.
Can you tell me any solution??
RE: windows.h not found - Oct. 7, '04, 9:35:40 AM
Posts: 38
Joined: Mar. 19, '04,
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The windows.h header you are referring to is probably the one in the Microsoft Windows SDK. You can get a free CD or download of the Windows SDK from the following site:
Be forwarned that the syntax of a Win32 header and a unix header have slight differences and you might need to tweak Windows.h before using it with a unix compiler. There is a post with a reference to tweaking a Windows header for building Emacs for SFU some place within the forum.
With that said, there are plenty of sad posts here of folks trying to cross compile Win32 source for SFU use. If that's what you are up to, I'll need to bow out to a higher authority.
RE: windows.h not found - Oct. 7, '04, 11:29:42 AM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
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If there is "windows.h" in the source code and the file in mandatory then what does
the program do? Where the does this source comes from?
If the program is really a win32 program and you want use Interix to drive the building
process (use make, etc.) then you can by using wcc.
If the program is a Unix program with a WIn32 API in it then there are likely other
(Unix) API's to use. Tell us what the program does or which Win32 API's it's wanting
to do. If want consulting or analysis time on the code it can be provided.
RE: windows.h not found - Oct. 7, '04, 1:49:50 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: Oct. 7, '04,
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My C code contains a call to .NET function using COM pointer.
I'm creating a IDL(interface definition lang) file which contains function(method) signatures which are implemented in .NET. And using MIDL I'm creating a ".c" and ".h" file which I'm including in my C code.
Now to compile this code I need windows.h as well as some other header files which contains COM functions.
And other thing is this code compiles & run successfully on Cygwin(another tool like Interix) which contains a separate "includes" directory called "w32api".
So, I just wanna know that whether this kind of "includes" is available in Interix.
Thanks in advance.
RE: windows.h not found - Oct. 7, '04, 2:51:53 PM
Posts: 673
Joined: Mar. 31, '03,
Status: offline
On Window's systems, there are essentially two kinds of applications:
Win32 applications that run in the Win32 subsystem environment
and Interix applications that run in the Interix subsystem environment.
Sounds like your C code is supposed to be a Win32 application.
The Interix tools are designed and configured to build Interix applications,
not Win32 applications. The bottom line is that you cannot combine
Interix libraries (aka dll's) with Win32 Dll's.
If you just want to use Interix enviroment to build your Win32 app,
then you can try using the program "wcc" which knows how to build such an
application using all Window's libraries and DLL's.
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