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SFTP client works with Microsoft pcs
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SFTP client works with Microsoft pcs - Jul. 3, '05, 1:22:20 AM
Posts: 13
Joined: Jun. 30, '05,
Status: offline
We are using Microsoft FTP in the field. Our users click on a batch file that sends FTP stuff back to the FTP server. The batch files reads a perl script and does its thing. Now that I have a development Windows 2003 server running SFU35 and SFTP, I need to know what is the best SFTP client that will read perl scripts that I can install on WindowsXP and Windows 2000 workstations.
I tried and I cannot figure out how to read the script files. So I am looking for a SFTP client that will work great with Interix.
RE: SFTP client works with Microsoft pcs - Jul. 3, '05, 3:17:27 AM
Posts: 3142
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: online
That would be the number 1 download from /Tools: the package openssh.
It comes with the ssh, scp and sftp clients as well as the SSH server
(sshd) which handles all of the connections from the aforementioned clients.
It's all run in the Interix space. The web address you quote is for a cygwin package.
I will also mention that Interix comes with the real Perl and a much more useful FTP
client (updated versions available from /Tools). And instead of using ye olde MS-DOS
batch files you can use real scripting to drive the ftp exchange. Any Unix scripting:
sh, Perl, Python, PHP, Tcl, etc.
If you need an interactive response then you likely want to look at using expect.
RE: SFTP client works with Microsoft pcs - Jul. 3, '05, 3:02:10 PM
Posts: 13
Joined: Jun. 30, '05,
Status: offline
I have the following questions.
So I will need to install SFU35 and openssh on the workstations?
Since these are workstations, I do not need sshd running because I just need the SFTP client? If so how do you disable the SSH server?
Our company is not running FTP anymore because it sends the user name and password in clear text. So we are migrating all FTP jobs to SFTP.
< Message edited by tiggerfink -- Jul. 3, '05, 3:03:33 PM >
RE: SFTP client works with Microsoft pcs - Jul. 3, '05, 4:14:36 PM
Posts: 3142
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: online
The openssh package includes all of the mentioned pieces.
But you do not need to run sshd, the SSH server, if all you are interested
in is the clients. The default installation is to setup and start sshd.
But sshd can be prevented from starting at a reboot by renaming the
rc startup script /etc/init.d/sshd to something else.
I wouldn't discount having sshd running on the workstations completely.
This gives secure access over the wire to the workstations for the administrator.
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