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question about computer networking carrer?
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question about computer networking carrer? - Dec. 13, '05, 7:01:11 PM
Posts: 1
Joined: Dec. 13, '05,
Status: offline
Hey everyone,
I have some questions about the computer networking field. Right now, I graduated from HS a year ago, and right now I took a semester off community college, and i'm thinking of going into the computer networking field as my carrer. I don't know alot of people who do it as a carrer. So I have some questions I would like to ask about the carrer itself.
1. What would be some of the Pro's about selecting this as a carrer?
2. What would be some of the Con's about selecting this as a carrer?
3. In this carrer, would you be working in a team or would you be on your own?
4. Besides the salary pay, would you be getting benfits or bonuses in the long run(I asked this because I am a part time employee at a place where I get full benfits)?
5. Honestly, could you say that your happy doing what your doing in this field?
If you do reply to any of the questions, please answer them honestly. Please no flame comments, I am asking these questions because right now I am trying to pick a carrer to go into and major in. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply.
- Christopher
RE: question about computer networking carrer? - Dec. 13, '05, 7:56:43 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: Aug. 8, '05,
Status: offline
I will try and generalise the asnwer for you. The rest will depend on your own intution and self-motivation.
First of all when you decide to choose a career in any discipline of your interest, the salary scales, fring benefits, bonuses, etc...etc.. should not be a primary concern. These are minor entities which is always there for any job function, (justifiably, of course) if you prove yourself coupled with self-motivation, interests and some enterperenual and leadership skills.
Now back to Networking as a career. Any discipline (entity) related to computer technology has a critical role when dealing with end-to-end system architecture. This is a career where you will studying for the rest of your life as long as Corporate America keeps pushing new technology and the market is there to pull it. Technologists and Engineers are always challenged from various fronts and not just on their skills and abilities. The top of the list is to handle stress when a department, hundreds or thousands or the entire community are affected when there is network glitch.
To answer your question in the nutshell:
You have to personally enjoy the discipline, the responsibility and stress which goes with it. This would apply to any job function. There is a market for every job, if you don't listen to TV moguls or media or critics. All jobs are a lot of fun, as long you personally enjoy perfroming the duties as a good corporate ciitizen. All jobs pay well (categorically), as long as you are willing.
If I was advising somebody on a computer technology path today, I sincerely believe the next wave of Computer Technology will be "Security". It is very much "fragmented" right now, and those who claim to know the buzzwords and tidbits with couple of vendor certifications are cashing in big time with top dollars. I mean big dollars. Yet, it only scratches the surface of the entire security issue.
It is so new, that even the Government is having a hard time managing the Security within this discipline. The pundits, practicing security within computer technology field are also working equally hard to get a handle on this major global issue.
A food for thought! Compared to somewhat already mature industry of Networking, how about "Computer Security Specialist"
Hope this helps..............:-)
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