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SfU 3.5 Sources
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SfU 3.5 Sources - Jan. 19, '06, 4:47:24 PM
Posts: 61
Joined: Jul. 10, '04,
From: Germany
Status: offline
Hi Forum,
I looked into the extracted SfU 3.5 package from the MS site. There's a folder "Sources" with 3 tars of GNU software sources. On of them is the source package of the old GCC 3.3. When extracting this archive, you get the GCC and Binutil sources out of the GNU CVS from mid 2002. There are 2 folders "patches" and "queued" which contain diffs for the sources, some of them "very" old from 1999.
Now I ask, what's about it? Are these patches from the GNU CVS or are they made of MS to make Interix ports?
If they are from the GNU CVS, why were they not already applied to the sources? If they are from MS, does it mean you have to patch the GNU sources with them or are they already applied to the sources inside the tar archive? And why are there 2 folders with the same patches?
RE: SfU 3.5 Sources - Jan. 20, '06, 3:45:57 AM
Posts: 3714
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
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The history goes back quite a ways.
The gcc 3.3 release on Interix is a snapshot of a particular day from the gcc tree.
Then changes were applied for it to work on Interix. The changes were never in the gcc source tree.
The changes were offered, but not accepted (they were are GPL cleared and everything).
There was a strong whiff of politics at the time.
So you grab a copy of the tree for the date and then apply the diffs. Then try and build.
There are a couple of readme files that explain it all in detail in with the diffs.
RE: SfU 3.5 Sources - Jan. 20, '06, 6:46:30 AM
Posts: 61
Joined: Jul. 10, '04,
From: Germany
Status: offline
Thanks, Rodney, good to known, that I'm not completely wrong.
But unfortunately you didn't answer the main questions:
1. There are allready source files of GCC inside the tar archive. Are these files already patched with the MS patches or not? And why are there GCC sources but no Binutil sources?
2. What's about the two folders "patches" and "queued"? The Readme refers only to "queued" and the q-patch/applyem scripts.
RE: SfU 3.5 Sources - Jan. 20, '06, 12:21:43 PM
Posts: 3714
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: online
2) I haven't pulled these two directories apart. With earlier versions there was just the
one directory. Since the 3.5 release someone at MS was doing some changes. The changes were
mostly at the C++ portion of gcc as I understand it. That understanding comes from
what a user posted in the Forums here about his support tickets for problems compiling
with g++. So in keeping with the GPL (I'm assuming) this is why the newer directory
has appeared.
1) The original diff's had everything lumped together (gcc, binutil, etc.) just as diff's.
There were no whole source files. As I understood it from the guy who did the work then,
this was just because the entire code base for gcc et al is really large. As to the newer
changes: I haven't looked at them. I'll guess that the original diff's still need to be
applied and then the newer, second set gets applied.
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