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Is there a native Java Runtime for SFU 3.5?
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Is there a native Java Runtime for SFU 3.5? - Feb. 8, '06, 12:26:44 PM
Posts: 5
Joined: Feb. 6, '06,
Status: offline
Is there a native Java runtime that runs under SFU 3.5 and is supported? If so, what is the latest JRE level?
RE: Is there a native Java Runtime for SFU 3.5? - Feb. 8, '06, 12:54:53 PM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
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Java gets built like this: run the previous release of Java (no older than version X.X)
and build the new version. It's a catch-22.
Most people are running the Win32 Java and scripting out to it.
RE: Is there a native Java Runtime for SFU 3.5? - Apr. 19, '06, 9:29:33 PM
Posts: 4
Joined: Oct. 3, '04,
Status: offline
I am quite a rookie here. But can I run eclipse under SFU?
Basically, I want to compile a C project built under linux in windows using gcc and makefile. I don't want to re-write makefile, since I want it to be able to
compile in linux too. So I thought about SFU, but if Java is not supported, how
can I use eclipse?
RE: Is there a native Java Runtime for SFU 3.5? - Apr. 23, '06, 12:53:46 PM
Posts: 75
Joined: Jul. 7, '05,
From: Sweden
Status: offline
But can I run eclipse under SFU
Run Eclipse in Win32 ( - how did you think to run it otherwise? In a X-window?)
It seems also that you get better overall support in Win32 then under an unix like system (I had struggled with it in Fedora).
You then need to build a platform (environment or whatever they call it) to target Interix and the tools you want to use (GNU make, cc, Interix gcc etc).
If you succeed, please post your findings - that's valuable information.
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