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Can't get NIS / NFS / name mapping to work
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Can't get NIS / NFS / name mapping to work - Mar. 24, '06, 7:12:42 PM
Posts: 102
Status: offline
I'm having a problem with NFS on SUA (Windows 2003 x64). I can mount a bunch of NFS drives and can read them as Administrator. However, I am having the following problems:
1: The uid and gid for everything on an NFS volume comes up nouser/nobody (uid = gid = -1).
2: If I change to another user, I can't read anything non-local (probably because of (1)).
Also, if I 'su' to someone and run 'id', am I supposed to get the local uid/gid or the NIS/name mapping uid/gid? How can I tell if I have name mapping set up correctly? And, of course, what's wrong with my NFS?
RE: Can't get NIS / NFS / name mapping to work - Mar. 25, '06, 9:11:14 PM
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Did you install and configure the User Name Mapping (UNM) ?
The on-line help has the info in detail for this.
By setting up UNM then the Windows SID's get mapped to Unix uid's
on the remote box. Then permissions and access happen as expected.
Right now without the mapping you're just getting anonymous access.
RE: Can't get NIS / NFS / name mapping to work - Mar. 27, '06, 9:56:38 AM
Posts: 102
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How can I tell if I have name mapping set up correctly?
I also should have mentioned; in Exploror, if I go to Properties->NFS Attributes, the UID and GID show up correctly.
For example, I have an NFS mounted drive 'M:'. The explorer GUI shows the UID/GID of "M:\.bash_profile" as 11828/42. If I start SUA's ksh, I get:
$ /bin/ls -ln /dev/fs/M/.bash_profile
-rw-r--r-- 1 -1 -2 1312 Mar 23 17:59 .bash_profile
In Administrative Tools->Microsoft Services for NFS->User Name Mapping->{User|Group} Maps, I have 42->"foo" and 11828->"bar" (names changed, obviously, and yes I checked that "bar" is a member of "foo"). I guess this doesn't seem to be working?
RE: Can't get NIS / NFS / name mapping to work - Mar. 27, '06, 10:25:43 AM
Posts: 102
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Looks like I'm not the only one with this problem... no answers yet, unfortunately.
KB article is wrong, and it "works" now... - Mar. 27, '06, 12:02:22 PM
Posts: 102
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Another update: I found "Could not connect to Mapping Server at host localhost:while connecting : RPC: Success" in Event Viewer->Application for Source=SUA. says it isn't a problem... yeah, right. I changed 'SUA Subsystem Startup' to 'manual'... and guess what; it's working now.
Obviously Microsoft's KB article is wrong, at least as far as their claim that "You can safely ignore this Error event". It is in fact a real error that causes NFS UID/GID mapping to fail, and needs to be corrected.
For the record, I was able to partly fix the problem by changing the startup type of the 'SUA Subsystem Startup' service to 'manual'. I say "partly" because my GID resolution is still mostly broken, but UID resolution seems to be working, and I can create and edit files on my NFS drives; i.e. it isn't perfect, but it's usable.
Did I say "usable"? - Mar. 27, '06, 4:56:19 PM
Posts: 102
Status: offline
Also for the record... it seems name mapping does not support mapping any GID to either of the groups "Users" or "Administrators"... possibly any of the 'factory defined' groups. If anyone else is reading this, you should expect to have to create new groups to use for GID mapping.
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