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Another prop with pkg_add
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Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 5, '06, 3:26:06 AM
Posts: 22
Joined: Mar. 17, '06,
Status: offline
Soory to disturb yet trying to add packages I get:
tar: End of archive volume 1 reached
tar: Sorry, unable to determine archive format.
tar: End of archive volume 1 reached
tar: Sorry, unable to determine archive format.
tar: End of archive volume 1 reached
tar: Sorry, unable to determine archive format.
tar: End of archive volume 1 reached
tar: Sorry, unable to determine archive format.
pkg_add(bash-current-bin): unable to open table of contents file `+CONTENTS' - not a package?
Manual ftp works fine:
Connected to
220 ProFTPD 1.2.9 Server (Interop Systems FTP Server 1) []
331 Password required for samahita.
230 User samahita logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.
Reinstalling the bootstrapper by overwriting does not help:
sh clobber
/Tools bootstrap installation of the 'pkg' installer.
This is a software installation.
+ the Local Administrator, or
+ a member of the Administrators group.
This installs the 'pkg' installer for Interix 3.5 (x86), version 2.5.1.
This also installs a newer version of 'ftp, 'pax' & 'tar' in '/bin'.
Updated versions of 'ls', 'gzip' and 'sort' are also installed.
This installation as a shell script is a bootstraping technique.
For help refer to or to an FAQ at
the bottom of page
You have selected to clobber (overwrite) any currently
installed version of the installer.
This may have unintended side-effects if you have other
software installed. Be very very sure before continuing.
Press Enter to continue or ^C to cancel.
Now in directory /dev/fs/C/SFU/HOME/SCRIPTS extracting the file
Please wait...
Installation of software completed.
Installer database information has been added so that this software
can be updated with the 'pkg' installer itself.
It is recommended that you close this shell and start a fresh
shell so that the new setting may take effect.
An update for this bootstrap of the installer may be available now.
It is recommended that you update to the most recent version.
Would you like to update now? (y/n)[y] y
Using 'pkg_add' to get the update of 'pkg' (the installer).
This will take a couple of minutes...
tar: End of archive volume 1 reached
tar: Sorry, unable to determine archive format.
tar: End of archive volume 1 reached
tar: Sorry, unable to determine archive format.
tar: End of archive volume 1 reached
tar: Sorry, unable to determine archive format.
tar: End of archive volume 1 reached
tar: Sorry, unable to determine archive format.
pkg_add(pkg-current-bin): unable to open table of contents file `+CONTENTS' - not a package?
Finished getting the update for 'pkg'.
What to do here ?
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
RE: Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 5, '06, 4:56:28 AM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: offline
What is the value of the environment variable TMPDIR ? (echo $TMPDIR)
For this directory in TMPDIR do you have write access to it?
Can you create a directory and a file there ?
RE: Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 5, '06, 12:46:53 PM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: offline
The tar in /tmp is part of the bootstrap install to avoid a catch-22.
For Q3: you need to have an Xserver running on the machine to display an X app.
For Q2: the default mode is 'vi' editing ("bindkey -v"). If you want 'emacs' editing
then in your ~/.cshrc set this ("bindkey -e").
back to Q1:
The TMPDIR can be written to, so this isn't the problem.
Try running pkg_add with the '-v' option to see what it gives.
RE: Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 6, '06, 4:22:31 AM
Posts: 22
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Status: offline
To markfunk
The .netrc file usually should provide login ID & password.
To Rodney:
Thanx for 'bindkey -e' in .cshrc file. Much relieved. Don't like vi...
By the way Rodney do you have a long refined commented .cshrc file I could be inspired by.
If so then please mail it to me or provide it here in the forum. Thanx in advance.
Reg: Q1:
pkg_add with the '-v gives.
/dev/fs/C/SFU/HOME> pkg_add -v
Trying to fetch
Extracting from FTP connection into /tmp/instmp.XXXXAAAADI
usage: tar -{txru}[cevfbmopwBHLPX014578] [tapefile] [blocksize] file1 file2...
tar command returns 1 status
ftp command returns 1 status
retrying to install package
Trying to fetch
Extracting from FTP connection into /tmp/instmp.XXXXAAAADI
usage: tar -{txru}[cevfbmopwBHLPX014578] [tapefile] [blocksize] file1 file2...
tar command returns 1 status
ftp command returns 1 status
retrying to install package
Trying to fetch
Extracting from FTP connection into /tmp/instmp.XXXXAAAADI
usage: tar -{txru}[cevfbmopwBHLPX014578] [tapefile] [blocksize] file1 file2...
tar command returns 1 status
ftp command returns 0 status
retrying to install package
Trying to fetch
Extracting from FTP connection into /tmp/instmp.XXXXAAAADI
usage: tar -{txru}[cevfbmopwBHLPX014578] [tapefile] [blocksize] file1 file2...
tar command returns 1 status
ftp command returns 0 status
pkg_add(bash-current-bin): unable to open table of contents file `+CONTENTS' - not a package?
pkg_add(bash-current-bin): 1 package addition(s) failed
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
RE: Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 6, '06, 4:55:08 AM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: offline
There's something really wierd about your system.
The output shows that tar has been re-clobbered.
With Interix a version of tar ships that doesn't handle
compressed files (gzip, bzip2) so the bootstrap install of the
installer places a version in /bin that does (and yes it still
does all the same actions as the original). Something is
restoring the /bin/tar file back to what shipped.
Is this machine some virtual machine installation?
Is there some AV software you have being very protective?
> By the way Rodney do you have a long refined commented .cshrc file I could be inspired by.
My .cshrc file is pretty concise. A few aliases and a few settings only.
Much more gets me chasing ghost-bugs for hours before remembering I aliased
something several months ago
Here's what I use a lot; some of this is in the FAQ; I do prefer vi :
bindkey -v
alias lo logout
alias ll ls -l
alias lt ls -lt
alias la ls -a
alias lf ls -F
alias j jobs
alias po popd
alias pu pushd
set history=200
alias psl 'ps -e -ostate,user=UserNames,pid,ppid,tty=TTY,args=CMD -Xunix'
alias hi history
set filec
set ignoreeof
set complete=enhance
setenv CPPFLAGS "-D_ALL_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/local/include"
setenv LDFLAGS "-L/usr/local/lib"
RE: Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 9, '06, 2:27:41 AM
Posts: 22
Joined: Mar. 17, '06,
Status: offline
Sorry for the delay:
Have tried reinstalling SFU and run the installer again.
Still tar does not work,
Man tar is from april 22 2005, which cannot be the shipped version IMHO.
pkg_info give:
/dev/fs/C/SFU/HOME> pkg_info
env_etc_irsconf-1.0-bin Version 1.0 of env_etc_irsconf for Interix.
env_manpath_local-1.0.7-bin Version 1.0.7 of env_manpath_local for Interix 3.5.
env_path_local-1.0.4-bin Version 1.0.4 of env_path_local for Interix 3.5.
ftp-3.5g-bin Version 3.5g of ftp for Interix.
gzip- Version of gzip for Interix 3.5.
ls-1.2.2-bin Version 1.2.2 of ls for Interix.
pax-1.5.3-bin Version 1.5.3 of pax for Interix 3.5.
pkg-2.5.1-bin Version 2.5.1 of pkg for Interix.
Disabling AV software have no effect.
Can the new tar version be downloaded and installed manually ?
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
RE: Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 12, '06, 5:10:53 PM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: offline
Over in another thread (∓) Brian
has pointed to the "System Restore" as a reason for a problem he has been experiencing.
I'm wondering if you have this running on your system. It might explain why the files keep
getting reverted.
RE: Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 13, '06, 2:22:13 AM
Posts: 22
Joined: Mar. 17, '06,
Status: offline
No 'system restore' only works if you ask it to restore.
It is turned on at my other PC with no prob for SFU.
Turning it off and reinstallling pkg_add clobbing does not help...
It download the files but tar cannot recognize them...
Would it be sound to copy /bin/tar from
my other PC where it works fine?
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
RE: Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 13, '06, 3:26:57 AM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: offline
You can give it a try.
The bootstrap installer output that you quoted clearly showed it was installed.
So I won't be surprised if something reverts it again. It's very weird.
RE: Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 13, '06, 7:55:44 AM
Posts: 22
Joined: Mar. 17, '06,
Status: offline
my bin looks like this:
-rwxrwxr-x 1 Administrator +Administrators 593B Nov 8 2003 whoami*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 Administrator +Administrators 81.5K Nov 8 2003 who*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 Administrator +Administrators 69.5K Nov 8 2003 [*
-rwxrwxr-x 2 Administrator +Administrators 264K May 13 2005 tar*
-rwxrwxr-x 2 Administrator +Administrators 264K May 13 2005 pax*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 Administrator +Administrators 784K Oct 4 2005 ftp*
-rwxrwxr-x 1 Administrator +Administrators 144B Oct 16 04:47 ftp-ls*
Does the '2' in the second collumn mean that there is two executables (tar* & pax*) coexisting ?
Should I then try to copy over also pax?
Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samahita, Sri Lanka
RE: Another prop with pkg_add - Apr. 13, '06, 12:59:04 PM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: offline
The link count is correct: tar and pax are the same binary.
So, yes.
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