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Deploying applications written within SFU
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Deploying applications written within SFU - May 3, '06, 8:27:11 AM
Posts: 38
Joined: Nov. 3, '05,
From: Larry W. Virden
Status: offline
I'm trying to determine whether I can make use of SFU. The first major issue is this - when I, as a developer, finish up compiling an application using SFU's gcc, is there a way to build it so that only that application needs to be present on the user's machine?
I really would prefer not to have to make installation of SFU part of the requirements to use a simple application.
If that issue can be handled, then the next step is whether there is a way to specify, to gcc, not to use the stack for executable code. If so, then the applications built won't require the user to modify the DEP setting. And thus they would be able to make use of any application without making any changes to their environment. This is, for me, the show stopping requirement.
RE: Deploying applications written within SFU - May 3, '06, 12:51:20 PM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
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You need to have the Interix subsystem (a collection of programs aka "the jewels")
installed to service an applications system API calls.
The gcc that ships with Interix 3.5 does write execuatbale on the stack sometimes.
No there is not an option to turn this off.
With Interix 5.2 (SUA on R2) and later gcc has been modified to not use the stack.
RE: Deploying applications written within SFU - May 3, '06, 1:29:29 PM
Posts: 38
Joined: Nov. 3, '05,
From: Larry W. Virden
Status: offline
You need to have the Interix subsystem (a collection of programs aka "the jewels")
installed to service an applications system API calls.
Thanks - that tells me what I needed to know - even though it wasn't what I _wanted_ to know :smile:.
We're trying to stay away from packages that require administrators to log into individual machines to install.
RE: Deploying applications written within SFU - May 3, '06, 2:32:16 PM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
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The installation can be done by anyone in the Administrators group as well as Administrator.
Just to roadmap things a bit for you:
Interix 3.5 installs on W2K, W2K3 and XP from the SFU 3.5 distribution.
Starting with W2K3/R2 Interix (version 5.2/SUA) starts to get distributed as part
of the base OS (the jewels -- utilities & libraries are still a separate install).
So Interix is in Vista (appearing in Beta 2) too.
The other bonus is starting with 5.2 on R2 Interix runs on 64-bit (AMD) server.
64-bit (AMD & IA) workstation comes with Vista (version 6.0).
RE: Deploying applications written within SFU - May 3, '06, 2:36:57 PM
Posts: 38
Joined: Nov. 3, '05,
From: Larry W. Virden
Status: offline
Thanks for the update. Vista is about 2 years away for us, so when things gets closer, I'll be able to return to this issue.
I appreciate your help!
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