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Sub shell not preserving $PWD (how to default 'physical' to off)?
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Sub shell not preserving $PWD (how to default 'physical... - May 8, '06, 5:26:50 PM
Posts: 77
Joined: May 21, '03,
Status: offline
The ksh that is included in SFU 3.5 or SUA (R2) has the 'physical' option set 'on' as the default which is different from how OpenServer and Linux have their ksh set. How can I change the default to be 'off'? I have tried placing 'set +o physical' in /etc/profile.lcl, I have also tried placing 'set +o physical' in my /etc/kshrc (which my $ENV is set to) but nothing works.
Here is the particular scenario:
If I 'cd' into a symbolic link which is a directory and then start up a sub-shell, the sub-shell's $PWD will be set to the physical location and not to the logical location of the directory.
For instance:
$ set –o
Current option settings
allexport off interactive on nolog off verbose off
braceexpand on keyword off notify off vi on
bgnice off login on nounset off viraw off
cmd_intitle off markdirs off physical off vi-show8 off
debug off monitor on posix off vi-tabcomplete off
emacs off noclobber off privileged off vi-esccomplete off
errexit off noexec off restricted off xtrace off
gmacs off noglob off stdin on
ignoreeof off nohup on trackall off
$ ln –s /usr/sbin /sbin
$ cd /sbin
$ pwd
/sbin <--- logical location, OK
$ sh
$ set –o
Current option settings
allexport off interactive on nolog off verbose off
braceexpand on keyword off notify off vi on
bgnice off login off nounset off viraw off
cmd_intitle off markdirs off physical off vi-show8 off
debug off monitor on posix off vi-tabcomplete off
emacs off noclobber off privileged off vi-esccomplete off
errexit off noexec off restricted off xtrace off
gmacs off noglob off stdin on
ignoreeof off nohup on trackall off
$ pwd
/usr/sbin <--- physical location, should show logical.
RE: Sub shell not preserving $PWD (how to default 'phys... - May 8, '06, 5:37:02 PM
Posts: 77
Joined: May 21, '03,
Status: offline
Take note that in the previous example 'set +o physical' was set in my /etc/kshrc ($ENV file), that's why you see it set to 'off' after I started the sub-shell.
< Message edited by Ron -- May 9, '06, 8:18:01 AM >
RE: Sub shell not preserving $PWD (how to default 'phys... - May 8, '06, 6:28:02 PM
Posts: 3728
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: offline
mmm, interesting.
I just tried it against the update I did for Interix 6.0 (Vista) with different results.
I got the subshell with PWD as the logical location and 'pwd' giving logical.
So it was a fix in pdksh between verion 5.12 and 5.14. So the fix will appear in Vista.
I don't know if an update is being released for 5.2 (R2) by MS. I'll ask.
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