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sym link in explorer
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sym link in explorer - Jul. 21, '06, 12:24:19 AM
Posts: 1
Joined: Jul. 21, '06,
Status: offline
I am trying to figure out if I can get windows to recognize sym links as
folders on network shares...and sym link across physical volumes.
ultimately i'd like to generate standard linux sym links on a network share
and have the windows explorer be able to see them and use it.
I've done sym links on the desktop, but have also been unable to get it to
reference unc pathnames correctly.
an example of what i'm trying to do.
unix sym link on \\system1\share1\common\test
which goes to \\system2\share2\common\test
I'm trying to setup a system where linux, mac, and windows can use symlinks.
Any help would be appreciated... thanks!
< Message edited by testorama -- Jul. 21, '06, 1:00:58 AM >
RE: sym link in explorer - Jul. 21, '06, 1:30:54 AM
Posts: 3695
Joined: Jul. 9, '02,
From: /Tools lab
Status: offline
It's a no-go. You'll be spinning your wheels.
Win32 won't see it like this.
SMB doesn't do symlinks. NFS will, but only the Unixes will understand (Interix, Linux, Solaris, Mac).
RE: sym link in explorer - Sep. 20, '06, 2:56:52 PM
Posts: 3
Joined: Sep. 20, '06,
Status: offline
Correct, there are some tools that make symlinks "work" in Windows, but understand these are application-level tools. NTFS has some rudimentary support, but I've had mixed results.
In *nix filesystems, the concept of a symlink exists within the filesystem itself... no such application-level trickery required.
Cory Wallenstein, Servprise International
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