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Interop Toolworks 2.3 Updated Feb 20, 2006
Over 400 additional utilities and over 2000 more APIs for the Interix technology in SFU 3.5

You can now download the .ISO image for creating your own CD (247 MB): $30 

Interop Systems has prepared a CD distribution of the open source tools from our UNIX Tools Community website at
The Interop Toolworks CD contains the packages listed in the sidebar.  This represents 680 MB (uncompressed) of useful applications, utilities and libraries for SFU/Interix.
You can install packages one at a time or select from four options:
1. Everything (./install)
2. Just administrative tools (
3. Just software development tools (./install-swd)
4. Just user programs (./install-up)
(See list of packages included in the last three options.)
The running of the CD only requires that SFU 3.5 is pre-installed. The installation runs off of the CD so you don’t need to pre-install the pkg system. It’s run from the command line as:
cd /dev/fs/D (the CD drive)
For detailed instructions, there is a README.TXT and a LICENSE file with all of the licenses in one place.

The Interop Toolworks installer puts everything in the right directories, ready for use with SFU 3.5. For some packages extra work is done. With SSH for example, the client key files are automatically generated at installation while the SSH server is started and startup scripts are added so that the SSH server starts if the machine is rebooted. Many of the packages adjust environment variables for the shells by adding to the shell startup scripts in /etc. This way you get the needed changes correctly.

All of this can be uninstalled easily too. If you want to remove a specific package, you can (pkg_delete). If you want to remove everything, then you can run the uninstall on the CD (./uninstall). If you try to uninstall a package that has a dependency on another package, then you are warned and not allowed to do it. When an uninstall happens everything is removed including any changes to the shell startup script files. If you have modified a configuration file, it remains in place in case there is some important data you need from it. This is important during software updates.

With Interop Toolworks installed on your machine, you can update individual packages anytime from our “/Tools” website. This includes timely bug fixes to utilities and libraries that currently ship with SFU.
  1. Now you have the option of just downloading the .ISO image and creating your own CD -- $30. 

  2. If you own a previous version of Interop Toolworks, you can upgrade for $20 via download of the .ISO image (247 MB).

To purchase, please visit our Interop Store. 

Packages Included:
admin_scripts (to add, change, delete users)
apache (aka Apache 1; web server)
apropos (locate commands by keyword lookup)
atk (GNOME Accessibility Toolkit)
autoconf (produce configure scripts)
automake (makefile generator)
awk (awk update)
bash (shell)
bdes (encoding)
biff (mail notification setting)
bison (gnu's yacc)
bzip2 (compression)
cabextract (extract content of cabinet archives)
caesar (cyphers)
cat (catentate files)
catman (man generator)
cbrowser (graphical UI for cscope)
ccache (a compiler cache)
chcase (change case)
clamav (an anti-virus scanner for e-mail)
colrm (remove columns in text file)
comsat (the biff server/daemon)
cpio (copy files to/from archives)
cscope (examine a C program)
curl (URL data transfer tool & library)
cut (select fileds of each lien in a file)
cvs (CVS utilities; version control system)
cxref (automatic document generator for C code)
date (display and change system date)
ddd (a GUI to gdb)
echo (write/echo strings)
ed (a standard text editor)
env* (a set of packages for setting environment variables)
electricfence (a bounds checker)
emacs (an editor)
expect (programmed dialogue with interactive programs)
fetchmail (a utility to collect e-mail)
find (search a file hierarchy)
flex (an alternate version of lex)
fontconfig (for font drawing)
fortune (prints a random adage)
freetds (DB library to MS SQL and Sybase)
from (list who the mail is from)
ftp (file transfer)
fvwm (X11 manager)
gcc-patch (a gcc-patch for linking)
gd (a graphics support library)
gdbm (GNU's dbm library)
getopt (getopt for shell scripts)
gettext (for message catalogs)
ghostscript (PDF and PostScript viewer)
gimp (an image editor)
gimpprint (gimp print library)
glib (a library of C routines)
gmake (gnu's make)
gmp (an extended precision math library)
gnupg (gnu's privacy suite)
gnuplot (a graph plotting program)
grep (file pattern searcher; updated+extended)
groff (text formatter)
groups (show group memberships)
gsoap (SOAP code generator)
GTK+ (a graphic library)
gzip (compression update)
httpd (aka Apache 2)
indent (indent/beautify C source code)
install (install locally built programs)
iss (Internet security scanner)
jam (a replacement for make)
joe (Joe's Own Editor; emulates many editors)
jove (Jonathon's Own Version of Emacs)
jot (print sequential or random data)
jpeg (JPEG utilities and library API's)
lam (laminate files vertically in columns)
lc (list categories; an useful alternate to ls)
leave (remind you when to leave)
libart (2-D graphic library)
libcrypt (cryptographic API's)
libedit (line editing library for applications)
libexpat (XML parser library)
libfreetype (library for font manipulation)
libiconv (unicode conversion library)
libiodbc (iODBC driver manager)
libncurses (update to curses)
libpng (PNG graphics library)
libtool (support scripts for building libraries)
libxml2 (XML library)
libxpm (X11 Pix Map library)
links (a character based web browser)
locate (find filenames quickly)
logger (add entry to system log)
lorder (list dependencies for object files)
ls (list directory contents; updated+extended)
lynx (a character based http/html browser)
lzo (a compression library based on speed)
m4_gnu (GNU version of m4)
man (display on-line manual pages; updated+extended)
mc (midnight commander, a shell)
md5 (message digest checksum)
mesg (control message display)
mkstr (create error message file from C source)
mktemp (make temporary filename)
most (a paging program like 'more')
mtree (map a directory hierarchy)
mutt (mail user agent)
mv (move files; updated+extended)
myconsole (attach /dev/console to current tty)
ncftp (an alternative ftp client)
nedit (an X11-based editor)
openssh (remote secure login; client and server)
openssl (secure socket library)
pango (graphic library)
passwd (change password)
pax (update with extentions)
pcre (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library)
pdomain (display principle domain)
perl (Perl -- threaded with DB connectivity)
php (a programming language)
pine (mail client)
pkg (packing tools)
pkgconfig (gathers information about installed libraries)
plotutils (plotting utilities)
popclient (retrieve mail by POP)
procmail (mail processor/filter)
python (a programming language)
qt (source code portability libraries)
rcp (update fixes '-p' and allows larger files)
rcs (update revision control system)
rdate (set date from remote clock)
readline (read lines in with editing)
realpath (display real path)
render (rendering extensions)
rev (reverse lines of a file)
rman (reverse compile manula pages)
rs (reshape a data array)
rsync (incremental file transfer)
ruby (OO scripting language)
rxvt (an X11 terminal)
screen (run multiple terminals from one terminal)
scsh (the Scheme shell)
shed (simple hex editor)
slang (for multi-platform software)
sort (sort input)
squid (a proxy cacheing server for HTTP/FTP/gopher)
stat (display file status)
su (substitute user identify)
sudo (execute command as another user)
syslogd (system log daemon)
tcl (a programming language)
tcsh (shell)
texinfo (documentation system)
tiff (TIFF file manipulation library)
tk (graphical interface)
tkman (tcl/tk/X11 manual page viewer)
trek (space game)
uid2sid (convert a UID to a SID)
units (to convert different system units)
unixodbc (ODBC driver manager)
unixpath2win (convert pathname syntax)
unrtf (extract contents of RTF files)
unzip (extract compressed files)
uucp (unix to unix copy)
vacation (auto mail message responder)
vim (a 'vi'-like editor)
vtcl (development environment for Tcl/Tk)
wall (write messges to all users)
wget (get files from the web)
whatis (describe a command; short than a man page)
which (display whcih commadn to be run)
write (write message to a user)
whois (lookup reconrds on Internet domains)
xargs (construct argument list and exec; updated+extended)
xft (for fonts)
xgalaga (an X11 space game)
xrender (X rendering extensions)
xstr (extract strings from C source code to share)
xterm (terminal emulator for X11)
xtetris (a graphical block game)
xview (An X11 OpenLook toolkit + utilities)
xxgdb (X11 front-end to gdb)
yacc (a LARL parser generator)
yafc (another ftp client)
yes (be repetitively affirmative)
zip (create compressed files)
zlib (compression library)
zsh (the Z shell)

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