Interop Systems

UNIX Tools Community

Tool Warehouse: We have assembled and updated a number of Open Source UNIX tools that have been ported to the Interix environment of Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX (SFU). The Tool Warehouse is a free repository of software contributed by Interop Systems staff and associates, Microsoft developers, and porting specialists from ISV and corporate migration teams. (more)
Database Connectivity Tools: SFU has no built-in libraries or interfaces for accessing relational databases stored on other platforms. Nor is it possible to access a Microsoft SQL Server database on the same system. However, there are several packages that can ease this problem. (more)
UNIX Tools Forum: This is the forum for anyone facing the challenge of managing a mixed UNIX and Windows environment or anyone migrating legacy applications and scripts to Windows. And, if you've come up with a good solution to a vexing problem, share your experience with other UNIX programmers and administrators who find themselves on Windows! (more)
Frequent Questions: The FAQ section will be expanding over the coming weeks, based on questions that come up in the UNIX Tools Forum. Many users are discovering Services for UNIX and Interix for the first time, so we will start by answering some common SFU installation questions. In the meantime, post your questions on the forum and we'll see if there is an answer out there! (more)
Resource Center: We want to make it easy for you to find all the latest tech notes, white papers, porting guides, links to Microsoft resources and links to independent experts. There's a lot of information out there -- it's finding it that is difficult. If you can't find what you are looking for, just ask in the UNIX Tools Forum. Someone else may have the reference material you are after. (more)

November 10, 2004
Interop Toolworks 1.7 just released. Help support the UNIX Tools Community by purchasing the CD distribution of all the utilities and libraries in the Tool Warehouse. See Interop Toolworks for more info.
October 1, 2004
Interop Systems and Hummingbird Communications have just released Interop X Server version 10.0. For more information, see Interop X Server.